7-Day Returns
- If you received a defect or wrong item, please notify us within 7 days of receipt either by replying to your order email or by using this contact form. Do include an explanation of the nature of defect and attach any pictures or videos that help in explaining the defect/s. We will reply within 3 business days.
- Once the defect is confirmed, we will either send you a replacement from our own warehouse or have the supplier contact you directly to exchange. The defect item will be collected back at the same time as well. Upon notification of the collection, please confirm the date of return as well as the accepted terms within 7 days.
- The defect item must be in unused condition and in original packaging when returned.
- In the rare instance when defect is too complicated and cannot be clearly demonstrated through pictorial or motion means, you can choose to mail (via registered mail) the item back to us for evaluation. We will then perform tests and/or send the item to supplier to confirm the defect. Note that the replacement will be shipped out only after the defect is confirmed for which might take some time. For items with local warranty from the manufacturer’s service center, you may approach the local service center for a replacement. If the item is sent back to us and we cannot confirm the defect or the alleged defect is considered to be within normal range of operation, then we will have to send the item back to you at extra charge.
We regret we do not accept refund or exchange for wrong product/s and/or sizes ordered.
We do not accept cancellations after an order is placed on our website.
We do not accept exchange of an item once it has been delivered. If your exchange request is put up before the item is delivered and is accepted by us, we will not provide any refund should the newly selected item be cheaper than the originally purchased item. If the newly selected item cost more than the originally purchased item, you will be required to top up the difference. All items sold are strictly non-refundable.